Showing posts with label Python Coding Challenge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Python Coding Challenge. Show all posts

Saturday 23 March 2024

Python Coding challenge - Day 155 | What is the output of the following Python Code?


def func(x, y=5, z=10):

    return x + y + z

result = func(3, z=7)


Solution and Explanation:

This Python code defines a function called func with three parameters: x, y, and z. The parameters y and z have default values of 5 and 10 respectively.

Here's the breakdown:

x is a positional argument.

y is a keyword argument with a default value of 5.

z is also a keyword argument with a default value of 10.

When the function func is called with func(3, z=7), it assigns 3 to x (as a positional argument), and 7 to z (as a keyword argument), while leaving y to its default value of 5.

So the function call func(3, z=7) effectively calculates 3 + 5 + 7, which equals 15.

Then, the value 15 is assigned to the variable result.

Finally, print(result) prints the value of result, which is 15. So, when you run this code, it will print 15 to the console.

Friday 22 March 2024

Python pattern challenge - Day 5


def print_pattern():

    for i in range(5, 0, -1):

        for j in range(i, 0, -1):

            print(chr(64 + j), end="")



Solution and Explanation: 

def print_pattern()::

This line defines a function named print_pattern().
for i in range(5, 0, -1)::

This outer loop iterates over the range from 5 down to 1. The third argument -1 in range() means that it decrements by 1 in each iteration.
for j in range(i, 0, -1)::

This inner loop iterates over the range from the current value of i down to 1. So, for each iteration of the outer loop, this inner loop prints characters in decreasing order.
print(chr(64 + j), end=""):

Inside the inner loop, chr(64 + j) converts the integer ASCII value 64 + j to the corresponding character. Since we're starting from 'E' (ASCII value 69) and decrementing, 64 + j gives the ASCII value of the characters 'A' to 'E'.
end="" parameter is used to prevent print() from adding a newline character after each print, so the characters are printed horizontally.

This print() statement is outside the inner loop. It's used to move to the next line after each inner loop iteration, creating a new line for the next set of characters.

This line outside the function definition calls the print_pattern() function, causing the pattern to be printed according to the code within the function.

Thursday 21 March 2024

Python Coding challenge - Day 154 | What is the output of the following Python Code?


def outer():

    x = 10

    def inner():

        nonlocal x

        x += 5

        print("Inner:", x)


    print("Outer:", x)


Solution and Explanation 

This code demonstrates nested functions in Python, along with the use of the nonlocal keyword.

Here's a breakdown of what each part does:

def outer():: This line defines a function named outer.

x = 10: Inside the outer function, a variable x is initialized with the value 10.

def inner():: Inside the outer function, another function named inner is defined.

nonlocal x: This statement inside the inner function tells Python that the variable x being referenced is not local to the inner function but belongs to the enclosing scope (which is the outer function in this case).

x += 5: Inside the inner function, x is incremented by 5.

print("Inner:", x): This line prints the value of x from the inner function after it has been incremented.

inner(): This line calls the inner function from within the outer function.

print("Outer:", x): After the inner function call, the value of x within the outer function is printed. Since x was modified within the inner function using the nonlocal keyword, its value will reflect the increment done inside the inner function.

outer(): Finally, the outer function is called, which executes the code inside it and its nested inner function.

When you run outer(), it will print:

Inner: 15

Outer: 15

This output shows that the inner function has successfully modified the value of x, and the change is reflected in the outer function as well.

Python pattern challenge - Day 4


n = 7

d = n // 2 + 1

for x in range(1, n + 1):

    for y in range(1, n + 1):

        if x == n // 2 + 1 or y == d:

            print("*", end="")


            print(" ", end="")

    if x <= n // 2:

        d += 1


        d -= 1


Let's break down the code step by step:

n = 7: This line initializes a variable n with the value 7. This value represents the size of the pattern, specifically the number of rows and columns.

d = n // 2 + 1: This line calculates the starting position for printing the asterisks in each row. Since the asterisks form a cross pattern, the distance from the left edge to the vertical center of the cross (d) is set to half of the size of the pattern plus 1. This calculation ensures that the cross is properly centered horizontally.

The nested loops:

for x in range(1, n + 1):: This outer loop iterates over each row of the pattern.

for y in range(1, n + 1):: This inner loop iterates over each column of the pattern within the current row.

Inside the nested loops, there's an if-else statement:

if x == n // 2 + 1 or y == d:: This condition checks if the current position (x, y) is on the horizontal center line (x == n // 2 + 1) or the vertical center line (y == d). If the condition is true, an asterisk is printed.

else:: If the condition is false (i.e., the current position is not on the center lines), a space is printed.

After printing each row, there's an adjustment to the variable d:

if x <= n // 2:: This condition checks if we are still in the upper half of the cross. If true, it means we need to move the vertical center (d) downwards for the next row.

else:: If we are in the lower half of the cross, we need to move the vertical center (d) upwards for the next row.

The print() statement at the end of the outer loop prints a newline character, moving to the next row in the pattern.

Overall, this code generates a cross pattern made of asterisks (*) with the specified size (n) and ensures that the cross is properly centered both horizontally and vertically.

Wednesday 20 March 2024

Python Coding challenge - Day 153 | What is the output of the following Python Code?



def some_func(a, b, c=0, d=1):

    return a + b + c + d

result = some_func(1, 2, d=4)


Solution and Explanation: 

This code defines a function named some_func which takes four parameters: a, b, c, and d. Parameters c and d have default values of 0 and 1 respectively. The function calculates the sum of all four parameters and returns the result.

Here's the breakdown of the function:

a, b, c, and d are parameters representing values that can be passed into the function.

c=0 and d=1 in the function signature are default parameter values. This means if you call the function without providing values for c and d, they will default to 0 and 1 respectively.

Inside the function, it calculates the sum of a, b, c, and d and returns the result.

Now, when the function is called with some_func(1, 2, d=4), the values passed are a=1, b=2, c is not specified (so it takes the default value of 0), and d=4. Therefore, the function computes 1 + 2 + 0 + 4, which equals 7.

Finally, the result, which is 7, is printed using print(result).

Tuesday 19 March 2024

Python Coding challenge - Day 152 | What is the output of the following Python Code?


def foo(x, y=[]):


    return y



This code defines a function foo that takes two arguments x and y, with y having a default value of an empty list []. Let's break down what happens:

def foo(x, y=[]):: This line defines a function named foo with two parameters, x and y. If y is not provided when calling the function, it defaults to an empty list [].

y.append(x): This line appends the value of x to the list y. Since y is a mutable object and is provided as a default argument, it retains its state across multiple calls to the function.

return y: This line returns the modified list y.

print(foo(1)): This line calls the foo function with x equal to 1. Since y is not provided explicitly, it defaults to [], which becomes [1] after appending 1 to it. So, it prints [1].

print(foo(2)): This line calls the foo function again, this time with x equal to 2. The default value of y is [1] now (the list modified in the previous call). So, 2 is appended to the existing list, resulting in [1, 2]. It prints [1, 2].

However, there's a caveat with this code due to the default mutable argument y=[]. If you call the function foo without providing a value for y, it'll reuse the same list across multiple function calls. This can lead to unexpected behavior if you're not careful. In this case, each time foo is called without specifying y, it keeps appending to the same list object. So, calling foo(1) modifies the list y to [1], and then calling foo(2) appends 2 to the modified list, resulting in [1, 2].

Python pattern challenge - Day 3


# Method 1: Using a loop

def print_sequence_loop(n):

    for i in range(n+1):

        print(f"{i}{'*' * i}")

# Method 2: Using list comprehension

def print_sequence_list_comprehension(n):

    sequence = [f"{i}{'*' * i}" for i in range(n+1)]


# Method 3: Using a generator function

def generate_sequence(n):

    for i in range(n+1):

        yield f"{i}{'*' * i}"

def print_sequence_generator(n):

    sequence = generate_sequence(n)

    for item in sequence:


# Testing the functions

n = 5

print("Using loop:")


print("\nUsing list comprehension:")


print("\nUsing generator function:")


Let's break down each part of the code:

Method 1: Using a loop

This method uses a loop to generate and print each element of the sequence.

def print_sequence_loop(n):
    for i in range(n+1):
        print(f"{i}{'*' * i}")
  • print_sequence_loop is a function that takes an integer n as input.
  • It iterates over the range from 0 to n (inclusive) using a for loop.
  • Inside the loop, it prints a string composed of the current number i followed by a number of asterisks (*) corresponding to the value of i.

Method 2: Using list comprehension

This method uses list comprehension to generate the sequence and then prints it.

def print_sequence_list_comprehension(n):
    sequence = [f"{i}{'*' * i}" for i in range(n+1)]
  • print_sequence_list_comprehension is a function that takes an integer n as input.
  • It uses list comprehension to generate a list where each element is a string composed of the current number i followed by a number of asterisks (*) corresponding to the value of i.
  • It then joins the elements of the list with newline characters ('\n') and prints the resulting string.

Method 3: Using a generator function

This method uses a generator function to lazily generate the sequence, and then prints it.

def generate_sequence(n):
    for i in range(n+1):
        yield f"{i}{'*' * i}"

def print_sequence_generator(n):
    sequence = generate_sequence(n)
    for item in sequence:
  • generate_sequence is a generator function that yields each element of the sequence lazily. It takes an integer n as input.
  • Inside the function, it iterates over the range from 0 to n (inclusive) using a for loop, yielding a string composed of the current number i followed by a number of asterisks (*) corresponding to the value of i.
  • print_sequence_generator is a function that takes an integer n as input.
  • It creates a generator object sequence by calling generate_sequence(n).
  • It then iterates over the elements of the generator using a for loop, printing each element.

Monday 18 March 2024

Python pattern challenge - Day 2


Method 1: Using Nested Loops

def print_pattern(rows):
    for i in range(rows):
        num = 1
        for j in range(1, i + 2):
            print(num, end='')
            num = num * (i + 1 - j) // j

 # Change the argument to adjust the number of rows

let's break down the code step by step:

def print_pattern(rows):: This line defines a function named print_pattern that takes one argument rows, which represents the number of rows in the pattern.

for i in range(rows):: This loop iterates over each row of the pattern. It goes from 0 to rows - 1.

num = 1: Initializes the variable num to 1 for each row. This variable will hold the numbers to be printed on each row.

for j in range(1, i + 2):: This loop iterates over each column in the current row. It goes from 1 to i + 1.

print(num, end=''): Prints the value of num without a newline character. This ensures that all numbers in the same row are printed on the same line.

num = num * (i + 1 - j) // j: This line updates the value of num for the next column. It calculates the next number in the row based on the previous number using the formula (i + 1 - j) / j. This formula generates Pascal's triangle pattern.

print(): Prints a newline character after printing all numbers in the current row, moving to the next row.

print_pattern(5): Calls the print_pattern function with an argument of 5, which means it will print a pattern with 5 rows. You can change this argument to adjust the number of rows in the pattern.

The pattern generated by this code resembles Pascal's triangle, where each number in a row is the sum of the two numbers directly above it in the previous row.

Method 2: Using Recursion

def print_pattern_recursive(rows):
    if rows == 0:
    print_pattern_recursive(rows - 1)
    row = [1]
    for i in range(1, rows):
        row.append(row[-1] * (rows - i) // i)
    print("".join(map(str, row)))

# Change the argument to adjust the number of rows

 let's break down the code step by step:

def print_pattern_recursive(rows):: This line defines a function named print_pattern_recursive that takes one argument rows, which represents the number of rows in the pattern.

if rows == 0:: This is the base case for the recursion. If rows is equal to 0, the function returns immediately, as there's no pattern to print.

return: This statement exits the function immediately if the base case is met.

print_pattern_recursive(rows - 1): This is the recursive call. It calls the print_pattern_recursive function with rows - 1, effectively reducing the number of rows to be printed in each recursive call.

row = [1]: Initializes a list row with a single element, 1. This represents the first row of the pattern.

for i in range(1, rows):: This loop iterates over each row index starting from 1 up to rows - 1.

row.append(row[-1] * (rows - i) // i): This line calculates and appends the next number to the row list. It uses the formula to generate Pascal's triangle pattern: (previous_number * (rows - i)) / i. This formula generates each number in the current row based on the numbers in the previous row.

print("".join(map(str, row))): This line prints the current row as a string by joining all elements in the row list and separating them with an empty string. This effectively prints the numbers of the current row without spaces between them.

print_pattern_recursive(5): Calls the print_pattern_recursive function with an argument of 5, which means it will print a pattern with 5 rows. You can change this argument to adjust the number of rows in the pattern.

The pattern generated by this code is similar to Pascal's triangle, where each number in a row is the sum of the two numbers directly above it in the previous row. However, this code generates each row recursively.

Method 3: Using List Comprehension

def print_pattern_list_comprehension(rows):
    pattern = [[1]]
    [pattern.append([1] + [pattern[-1][j] + pattern[-1][j + 1] for j in range(len(pattern[-1]) - 1)] + [1]) for _ in range(1, rows)]
    [print("".join(map(str, p))) for p in pattern]

# Change the argument to adjust the number of rows

Let's break down the code step by step:

def print_pattern_list_comprehension(rows):: This line defines a function named print_pattern_list_comprehension that takes one argument rows, representing the number of rows in the pattern.

pattern = [[1]]: Initializes a list pattern with a nested list containing a single element, which is [1]. This represents the first row of the pattern.

[pattern.append([1] + [pattern[-1][j] + pattern[-1][j + 1] for j in range(len(pattern[-1]) - 1)] + [1]) for _ in range(1, rows)]: This is a list comprehension that generates the pattern rows. It iterates over a range starting from 1 up to rows - 1.

pattern[-1] accesses the last row in the pattern list.

[pattern[-1][j] + pattern[-1][j + 1] for j in range(len(pattern[-1]) - 1)] generates the elements of the new row based on the previous row. It iterates over indices j of the previous row and calculates each element by summing adjacent elements.

[1] is appended at the beginning and end of the row to maintain the pattern structure.

pattern.append(...) adds the newly generated row to the pattern list.

[print("".join(map(str, p))) for p in pattern]: This is another list comprehension that prints each row of the pattern. It iterates over each row p in the pattern list, converts each element to a string, joins them without any separator using "".join(), and then prints the resulting string.

print_pattern_list_comprehension(5): Calls the print_pattern_list_comprehension function with an argument of 5, which means it will print a pattern with 5 rows. You can change this argument to adjust the number of rows in the pattern.

The pattern generated by this code is similar to Pascal's triangle, where each number in a row is the sum of the two numbers directly above it in the previous row. However, this code utilizes list comprehensions to generate and print the pattern efficiently.

Sunday 17 March 2024

Python Coding challenge - Day 151 | What is the output of the following Python Code?


Let's break down the code:

s = 'clcoding'

index = s.find('n', -1)  


s = 'clcoding': This line initializes a variable s with the string 'clcoding'.

index = s.find('n', -1): This line uses the find() method on the string s. The find() method searches for the specified substring within the given string. It takes two parameters: the substring to search for and an optional parameter for the starting index. If the starting index is negative, it counts from the end of the string.

In this case, 'n' is the substring being searched for.

The starting index -1 indicates that the search should start from the end of the string.

Since the substring 'n' is not found in the string 'clcoding', the method returns -1.

print(index): This line prints the value stored in the variable index, which is the result of the find() method. In this case, it will print -1, indicating that the substring 'n' was not found in the string 'clcoding'.

So, the overall output of this code will be -1.

Saturday 16 March 2024

Python Coding challenge - Day 150 | What is the output of the following Python Code?


Let's break down each line:

my_tuple = (1, 2, 3): This line creates a tuple named my_tuple containing three elements: 1, 2, and 3.

x, y, z, *rest = my_tuple: This line uses tuple unpacking to assign values from my_tuple to variables x, y, z, and rest. The *rest syntax is used to gather any extra elements into a list called rest.

x is assigned the first element of my_tuple, which is 1.

y is assigned the second element of my_tuple, which is 2.

z is assigned the third element of my_tuple, which is 3.

*rest gathers any remaining elements of my_tuple (if any) into a list named rest. In this case, there are no remaining elements, so rest will be an empty list.

print(x, y, z, rest): This line prints the values of x, y, z, and rest.

x, y, and z are the values assigned earlier, which are 1, 2, and 3 respectively.

rest is an empty list since there are no remaining elements in my_tuple.

Therefore, when you run this code, it will output:

1 2 3 []

Operators - Lecture 2


Q:- What is Operator ?

 Operators are symbol or special characters that perform specific

operations on one or more operands (Values or Variables).

Assignment Question

1. Write a program that prompts the user to enter their name, age, and

favorite number. Calculate and print the product of their age and

favorite number.

2. Write a program that prompts the user for enter a sentence and then

check the length of the sentence and prints the sentence also.

3. Write a program that takes two sentences from user and then checks for

the length of both sentences using “Identity Operators”.

4. Write a program that takes a integer value from the user and checks that

the number is between 10 and 20 then it will print true or else false , use

Logical and & or operator both for checking the result.

5. Write the uses of all the operators which comes inside these operators

use comments in python for writing the uses :-

 Arithmetic operators

 Assignment operators

 Comparison operators

 Logical operators

 Identity operators

Basics of Coding - Lecture 1

1. What is coding?

->Coding refers to the process of creating instructions for a computer to

perform specific tasks. It involves writing lines of code using a programming

language that follows a defined syntax and set of rules.

Coding can be used to create software applications, websites, algorithms, and

much more. It is a fundamental skill in the field of computer science and in

essential for anyone interested in software development, data analysis,

machine learning, and various other technological domains.

2. What is algorithm?

->An algorithm is a set of clear and specific instructions that guide the

computer to solve a problem or complete a task efficiently and accurately. It’s

like a recipe that tells the computer exactly what do to achieve a desired


3. Who created Python?

-> Python was created by Guido van Rossum. He started developing Python in

the late 1980s, and the first version of the programming language was released

in 1991.

4. What is Python?

->Python is a popular and easy to learn programming language. It is known for

it’s simplicity and readability, making it a great choice for beginners. Python is

versatile and can be used for a wide range of tasks, from web development to

data analysis and artificial intelligence. It’s clear syntax and extensive library

support make it efficient and productive for software development. Overall,

Python is a powerful yet user-friendly language that is widely used in the tech


Assignment Questions

1. Declare two variables, x and y, and assign them the values 5

and 3, respectively. Calculate their sum and print the result.

2. Declare a variable radius and assign it a value of 7. Calculate the

area of a circle with that radius and print the result.

3. Declare a variable temperature and assign it a value of 25.

Convert the temperature from Celsius to Fahrenheit and print the


4. Declare three variables a, b, and c and assign them the values

10, 3.5, and 2, respectively. Calculate the result of a divided by the

product of b and c and print the result.

5. Declare a variable initial_amount and assign it a value of 1000.

Calculate the compound interest after one year with an interest rate

of 5% and print the result.

6. Declare a variable seconds and assign it a value of 86400.

Convert the seconds into hours, minutes, and seconds, and print the

result in the format: "hh:mm:ss".

7. Declare a variable numerator and assign it a value of 27.

Declare another variable denominator and assign it a value of 4.

Calculate the integer division and remainder of numerator divided by

denominator and print both results.

8. Declare a variable length and assign it a value of 10. Calculate

the perimeter and area of a square with that length and print the


Thursday 14 March 2024

Python Coding challenge - Day 149 | What is the output of the following Python Code?


Let's break down the given code:

for i in range(1, 3):

    print(i, end=' - ')

This code snippet is a for loop in Python. Let's go through it step by step:

for i in range(1, 3)::

This line initiates a loop where i will take on values from 1 to 2 (inclusive). The range() function generates a sequence of numbers starting from the first argument (1 in this case) up to, but not including, the second argument (3 in this case).

So, the loop will iterate with i taking on the values 1 and 2.

print(i, end=' - '):

Within the loop, this line prints the current value of i, followed by a dash (-), without moving to the next line due to the end=' - ' parameter.

So, during each iteration of the loop, it will print the value of i followed by a dash and space.

When you execute this code, it will output:

1 - 2 - 

Explanation: The loop runs for each value of i in the range (1, 3), which are 1 and 2. For each value of i, it prints the value followed by a dash and space. So, the output is 1 - 2 - .

Tuesday 12 March 2024

Python Coding challenge - Day 148 | What is the output of the following Python Code?

Let's break down the provided code:

d = {'Milk': 1, 'Soap': 2, 'Towel': 3}

if 'Soap' in d:


d = {'Milk': 1, 'Soap': 2, 'Towel': 3}: This line initializes a dictionary named d with three key-value pairs. Each key represents an item, and its corresponding value represents the quantity of that item. In this case, there are items such as 'Milk', 'Soap', and 'Towel', each associated with a quantity.

if 'Soap' in d:: This line checks whether the key 'Soap' exists in the dictionary d. It does this by using the in keyword to check if the string 'Soap' is a key in the dictionary. If 'Soap' is present in the dictionary d, the condition evaluates to True, and the code inside the if block will execute.

print(d['Soap']): If the key 'Soap' exists in the dictionary d, this line will execute. It retrieves the value associated with the key 'Soap' from the dictionary d and prints it. In this case, the value associated with 'Soap' is 2, so it will print 2.

So, in summary, this code checks if the dictionary contains an entry for 'Soap'. If it does, it prints the quantity of soap available (which is 2 in this case).

Monday 11 March 2024

Python Coding challenge - Day 147 | What is the output of the following Python Code?


In Python, the is operator checks whether two variables reference the same object in memory, while the == operator checks for equality of values. Now, let's analyze the given code:

g = (1, 2, 3)

h = (1, 2, 3)

print(f"g is h: {g is h}")

print(f"g == h: {g == h}")


Identity (is):

The g is h expression checks if g and h refer to the same object in memory.

In this case, since tuples are immutable, Python creates separate objects for g and h with the same values (1, 2, 3).

Equality (==):

The g == h expression checks if the values contained in g and h are the same.

Tuples are compared element-wise. In this case, both tuples have the same elements (1, 2, 3).


The output of the code will be:

g is h: False

g == h: True

Explanation of Output:

g is h: False: The is operator returns False because g and h are distinct objects in memory.

g == h: True: The == operator returns True because the values inside g and h are the same.

In summary, the tuples g and h are different objects in memory, but they contain the same values, leading to == evaluating to True.

Sunday 10 March 2024

Python Coding challenge - Day 146 | What is the output of the following Python Code?


Let's go through the code step by step:

years = 5: Initializes a variable named years with the value 5.

if True or False:: This is an if statement with a condition. The condition is True or False, which will always be True because the logical OR (or) operator returns True if at least one of the operands is True. In this case, True is always True, so the condition is satisfied.

years = years + 2: Inside the if block, there's an assignment statement that adds 2 to the current value of the years variable. Since the condition is always True, this line of code will always be executed.

print(years): Finally, this line prints the current value of the years variable.

As a result, the code will always enter the if block, increment the value of years by 2 (from 5 to 7), and then print the final value of years, which is 7.

Saturday 9 March 2024

try and except in Python


Example 1: Handling a Specific Exception


    # Code that might raise an exception

    num = int(input("Enter a number: "))

    result = 10 / num

    print("Result:", result)

except ZeroDivisionError:

    # Handle the specific exception (division by zero)

    print("Error: Cannot divide by zero.")

except ValueError:

    # Handle the specific exception (invalid input for conversion to int)

    print("Error: Please enter a valid number.")

Enter a number: 5

Result: 2.0

Example 2: Handling Multiple Exceptions


    file_name = input("Enter the name of a file: ")


    # Open and read the contents of the file

    with open(file_name, 'r') as file:

        contents =

        print("File contents:", contents)

except FileNotFoundError:

    # Handle the specific exception (file not found)

    print("Error: File not found.")

except PermissionError:

    # Handle the specific exception (permission error)

    print("Error: Permission denied to access the file.")


except Exception as e:

    # Handle any other exceptions not explicitly caught

    print(f"An unexpected error occurred: {e}")

Enter the name of a file: clcoding

Error: File not found.

Example 3: Using a Generic Exception


    # Code that might raise an exception

    x = int(input("Enter a number: "))

    y = 10 / x

    print("Result:", y)

except Exception as e:

    # Catch any type of exception

    print(f"An error occurred: {e}")

Enter a number: 5

Result: 2.0

Python Coding challenge - Day 145 | What is the output of the following Python Code?


Let's evaluate the provided Python code:

a = 20 or 40

if 30 <= a <= 50:




Here's a step-by-step breakdown:

Assignment of a:

a = 20 or 40: In Python, the or operator returns the first true operand or the last operand if none are true. In this case, 20 is considered true, so a is assigned the value 20.

Condition Check:

if 30 <= a <= 50:: Checks whether the value of a falls within the range from 30 to 50 (inclusive).

Print Statement Execution:

Since a is assigned the value 20, which is outside the range 30 to 50, the condition is not met.

Therefore, the else block is executed, and the output will be Hi.

Let's run through the logic:

Is 30 <= 20 <= 50? No.

So, the else block is executed, and 'Hi' is printed.

The output of this code will be:


Friday 8 March 2024

Lambda Functions in Python


Example 1: Basic Syntax

# Regular function

def add(x, y):

    return x + y

# Equivalent lambda function

lambda_add = lambda x, y: x + y

# Using both functions

result_regular = add(3, 5)

result_lambda = lambda_add(3, 5)

print("Result (Regular Function):", result_regular)

print("Result (Lambda Function):", result_lambda)

Result (Regular Function): 8

Result (Lambda Function): 8

Example 2: Sorting with Lambda

# List of tuples

students = [("Alice", 25), ("Bob", 30), ("Charlie", 22)]

# Sort by age using a lambda function

sorted_students = sorted(students, key=lambda student: student[1])

print("Sorted Students by Age:", sorted_students)

Sorted Students by Age: [('Charlie', 22), ('Alice', 25), ('Bob', 30)]

Example 3: Filtering with Lambda

# List of numbers

numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]

# Filter even numbers using a lambda function

even_numbers = list(filter(lambda x: x % 2 == 0, numbers))

print("Even Numbers:", even_numbers)

Even Numbers: [2, 4, 6, 8]

Example 4: Mapping with Lambda

# List of numbers

numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

# Square each number using a lambda function

squared_numbers = list(map(lambda x: x**2, numbers))

print("Squared Numbers:", squared_numbers)

Squared Numbers: [1, 4, 9, 16, 25]

Example 5: Using Lambda with max function

# List of numbers

numbers = [10, 5, 8, 20, 15]

# Find the maximum number using a lambda function

max_number = max(numbers, key=lambda x: -x)  # Use negation for finding the minimum

print("Maximum Number:", max_number)

Maximum Number: 5

Example 6: Using Lambda with sorted and Multiple Criteria

# List of dictionaries representing people with names and ages

people = [{"name": "Alice", "age": 25}, {"name": "Bob", "age": 30}, {"name": "Charlie", "age": 22}]

# Sort by age and then by name using a lambda function

sorted_people = sorted(people, key=lambda person: (person["age"], person["name"]))

print("Sorted People:", sorted_people)

Sorted People: [{'name': 'Charlie', 'age': 22}, {'name': 'Alice', 'age': 25}, {'name': 'Bob', 'age': 30}]

Example 7: Using Lambda with reduce from functools

from functools import reduce

# List of numbers

numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

# Calculate the product of all numbers using a lambda function and reduce

product = reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, numbers)

print("Product of Numbers:", product)

Product of Numbers: 120

Example 8: Using Lambda with Conditional Expressions

# List of numbers

numbers = [10, 5, 8, 20, 15]

# Use a lambda function with a conditional expression to filter and square even numbers

filtered_and_squared = list(map(lambda x: x**2 if x % 2 == 0 else x, numbers))

print("Filtered and Squared Numbers:", filtered_and_squared)

Filtered and Squared Numbers: [100, 5, 64, 400, 15]

Example 9: Using Lambda with key in max and min to Find Extremes

# List of tuples representing products with names and prices

products = [("Laptop", 1200), ("Phone", 800), ("Tablet", 500), ("Smartwatch", 200)]

# Find the most and least expensive products using lambda functions

most_expensive = max(products, key=lambda item: item[1])

least_expensive = min(products, key=lambda item: item[1])

print("Most Expensive Product:", most_expensive)

print("Least Expensive Product:", least_expensive)

Most Expensive Product: ('Laptop', 1200)

Least Expensive Product: ('Smartwatch', 200)

Python Coding challenge - Day 144 | What is the output of the following Python Code?


The code print(()*3) in Python will print an empty tuple three times.

Let's break down the code:

print(): This is a built-in function in Python used to output messages to the console.

(): This represents an empty tuple. A tuple is an ordered collection of items similar to a list, but unlike lists, tuples are immutable, meaning their elements cannot be changed after creation.

*3: This is the unpacking operator. In this context, it unpacks the empty tuple three times.

Since an empty tuple by itself doesn't contain any elements to print, it essentially prints nothing three times. So the output of this code will be an empty line repeated three times.

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