Showing posts with label Meta. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Meta. Show all posts

Wednesday 7 February 2024

The Full Stack


What you'll learn

Build a Django app

 Use the full stack

Configure an environment

Join Free: The Full Stack

There are 5 modules in this course

As you prepare for your role in back-end development, practice bringing together multiple skills to build a full-stack Django app. You’ll start by setting up an environment for a local practical project, and refactoring the front and back-ends of an existing application. You will then have the opportunity to create the front and back-ends of a new application using your full-stack developer skills.

By the end of this course you will be able to:

- Explain common concepts related to full stack development
- Use HTML, CSS and JavaScript to develop well-structured, interactive and responsive websites
- Build a full stack application using Django that stores its data in models on a MySQL database and updates its pages with forms and API endpoints
- Describe the different environments that web applications are deployed to

To complete this course you will need previous experience with back-end development, Python, version control, databases, Django web framework and APIs.

HTML and CSS in depth


What you'll learn

Create a simple form with a responsive layout using HTML5 and CSS

Create a responsive layout using CSS 

Create a UI using Bootstrap

Implement debugging tools

Join Free: HTML and CSS in depth

There are 3 modules in this course

In this course, you’ll use software development tools like HTML to build attractive web pages that work well—and you’ll use structured semantic data to control how websites appear to the end user. 

You will then dive deeper into CSS by applying increasingly specific styling to various elements. You’ll learn to use Bootstrap’s grid system to create layouts and work with components and themes. Finally, you’ll explore debugging and learn how it can be utilized to banish common front-end errors.

By the end of this course you will be able to:

Create a simple form with a responsive layout using HTML5 and CSS
Create a responsive layout using CSS 
Create a UI using Bootstrap
Implement debugging tools

This is a beginner course for learners who would like to prepare themselves for a career in front-end development. To succeed in this course, you do not need prior development experience, only basic internet navigation skills and an eagerness to get started with coding.

Front-End Developer Capstone


What you'll learn

Design and style a responsive User Interface (UI)

Demonstrate clean and bug free coding

Use React components to create multiple views

Create a website front-end using React JS and JavaScript

Join Free: Front-End Developer Capstone

There are 4 modules in this course

The Capstone project enables you to demonstrate multiple skills from the Certificate by solving an authentic real-world problem. Each module includes a brief recap of, and links to, content that you have covered in previous courses in this program. 

This course will test your knowledge and understanding, and provide you with a platform to show off your new abilities in front-end web development using React. During this course, you will be guided through the process of building an app, combining all the skills and technologies you've learned throughout this program to solve the problem at hand. 

On completion of the Capstone project, you’ll have a job-ready portfolio that you can show to recruiters, demonstrate during interviews and impress potential employers.

To complete this course, you will need front-end developer experience.  Additionally, it always helps to have a can-do attitude!

Introduction to Front-End Development


What you'll learn

Distinguish between front-end, back-end, and full-stack developers.

Create and style a webpage with HTML and CSS.

The benefits of working with UI frameworks.

Join Free: Introduction to Front-End Development

There are 4 modules in this course

Welcome to Introduction to Front-End Development, the first course in the Meta Front-End Developer program.  

This course is a good place to start if you want to become a web developer. You will learn about the day-to-day responsibilities of a web developer and get a general understanding of the core and underlying technologies that power the internet. You will learn how front-end developers create websites and applications that work well and are easy to maintain. 

You’ll be introduced to the core web development technologies like HTML and CSS and get opportunities to practice using them. You will also be introduced to modern UI frameworks such as Bootstrap and React that make it easy to create interactive user experiences. 

By the end of the course, you will be able to: 

- Describe the front-end developer role 
- Explain the core and underlying technologies that power the internet 
- Use HTML to create a simple webpage 
- Use CSS to control the appearance of a simple webpage 
- Explain what React is 
- Describe the applications and characteristics of the most popular UI frameworks 

For the final project in this course, you will create and edit a webpage using HTML and the Bootstrap CSS framework. Using a responsive layout grid, you will construct a responsive webpage containing text and images that looks great on any size screen. 

This is a beginner course intended for learners eager to learn the fundamentals of web development. To succeed in this course, you do not need prior web development experience, only basic internet navigation skills and an eagerness to get started with coding.

Tuesday 6 February 2024

Capstone (React App)


What you'll learn

Designing and styling a responsive User Interface (UI) 

Demonstrating clean and bug free coding 

Using React components 

Creating a cross-platform mobile app using React Native

Join Free: Capstone (React App)

There are 3 modules in this course

This course enables you to demonstrate multiple skills from this program by solving an authentic real-world problem. Each module includes a brief recap of, and links to, content that you have covered in previous courses in this program. The course Capstone project will test your knowledge and understanding in mobile development using React Native. 

To complete this course, you will need React Native experience.  

During this course, you will be guided through the process of building an app, combining all the skills and technologies you've learned throughout this program to solve the problem at hand. 

By the end of this course, you will be able to demonstrate the following skills:

 - Set up a development environment for working on a React Native project
 - Set up a remote GitHub repository to which you can commit local project changes
 - Apply UX and UI principles to guide creation of a wireframe and prototype for your app
 - Develop screens for a React Native app featuring various components and interactive elements
 - Design an onboarding process for welcoming new users to your app
 - Set up a navigation flow to enable users to move between screens in your app
 - Fetch data from a remote server and store it in a database, and then render it in your app
 - Implement data filtering functionality to enable users to customize information
 - Evaluate the work of your peers and provide informed and constructive feedback

On completion of the Capstone project, you’ll have a job-ready portfolio that you can show to recruiters, demonstrate during interviews and impress potential employers.

React Native


Build your subject-matter expertise

This course is available as part of 

When you enroll in this course, you'll also be asked to select a specific program.

Learn new concepts from industry experts

Gain a foundational understanding of a subject or tool

Develop job-relevant skills with hands-on projects

Earn a shareable career certificate

Join Free: React Native

There are 5 modules in this course

React Native is an open-source framework for building cross-platform applications (apps) using React and the platform’s native capabilities. In this course, you will move from the basics of React to a more advanced implementation using React Native. You’ll review a wide range of different React components and ways of styling them. And you’ll get to practice using different mobile methods of interactivity with React Native.

Some of the basics skills you will learn include:
Building a single-page React Native app and styling it using basic components
Building large lists and configuring user inputs within a React Native app
Using the Pressable component to build buttons and other clickable areas
Setting up an app with React Navigation and moving between screens

You’ll gain experience with the following tools and software: 
React Native
Front End development languages (HTML, CSS and JavaScript)
Code editing programs, such as Expo and Visual Studio Code

This course is for learners who would like to prepare themselves for a career in mobile development. To succeed in this course, you will need foundational knowledge of React basics, internet navigation skills and an eagerness to code.

Advanced React


What you'll learn

Create robust and reusable components with advanced techniques and learn different patterns to reuse common behavior

Interact with a remote server and fetch and post data via an API

Seamlessly test React applications with React Testing Library

Integrate commonly used React libraries to streamline your application development

Join Free: Advanced React

There are 4 modules in this course

Learn how to use more advanced React concepts and features, become proficient in JSX, and confidently test your applications.

You’ll examine different types of React components and learn various characteristics and when to use them. You’ll dig into more advanced hooks and create your own. You’ll look into building forms with React. You’ll explore component composition and new patterns, such as Higher Order Components and Render Props. You’ll create a web application that consumes API data and get familiar with the most commonly used React framework integrations, tools, and testing techniques.

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

Render lists and form components efficiently in React.
Lift shared state up when several components need the updated data.
Leverage React Context to share global state for a tree of components.
Fetch data from a remote server.
Use advanced hooks in React, and put them to use within your application.
Build your own custom hooks.
Understand JSX in depth.
Embrace component composition techniques
Use advanced patterns to encapsulate common behavior via Higher Order Components and Render Props.
Test your React components.
Build a portfolio using React.

You’ll gain experience with the following tools and software: 
HTML, CSS, and JavaScript 

You will be able to leverage the potential of this course to develop new skills, improve productivity, act effectively with data and boost your career.

To take this course, you should understand the basics of React, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Additionally, it always helps to have a can-do attitude!

React Basics


What you'll learn

Use reusable components to render views where data changes over time

Organize React projects to create more scalable and maintainable websites and apps

Use props to pass data between components. Create dynamic and interactive web pages and apps

Use forms to allow users to interact with the app. Build an application in React

Join Free: React Basics

There are 4 modules in this course

React is a powerful JavaScript library that you can use to build user interfaces for web and mobile applications (apps). In this course, you will explore the fundamental concepts that underpin the React library and learn the basic skills required to build a simple, fast, and scalable app.

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

Use reusable components to render views where data changes over time
Create more scalable and maintainable websites and apps 
Use props to pass data between components 
Create dynamic and interactive web pages and apps
Use forms to allow users to interact with the web page 
Build an application in React

You’ll gain experience with the following tools and software: 

HTML, CSS and JavaScript 

You will be able to leverage the potential of this course to develop new skills, improve productivity, act effectively with data and boost your career.

This is a beginner course for learners who would like to prepare themselves for a career in mobile development. To succeed in this course, you do not need prior development experience, only basic internet navigation skills and an eagerness to get started with coding.

Sunday 24 December 2023

Advertising with Meta


What you'll learn

Structure campaigns in Meta Ads Manager

Build an ad that aligns with your marketing objectives and target it to your intended audience

Set a budget, placement, and schedule for your ads in Meta Ads Manager

Join Free:Advertising with Meta

Build your Marketing expertise

This course is part of the Meta Social Media Marketing Professional Certificate
When you enroll in this course, you'll also be enrolled in this Professional Certificate.
Learn new concepts from industry experts
Gain a foundational understanding of a subject or tool
Develop job-relevant skills with hands-on projects
Earn a shareable career certificate from Meta

Meta AR Developer Professional Certificate

What you'll learn

Learn Meta Spark AR to optimize and test Spark AR effects, push content to Instagram using Spark AR Hub, and more.

Create a web AR application in PlayCanvas using JavaScript, and use Blender to modify 3D content.

Create AR games in Unity using C#; edit, import, and animate 3D content, including rigged animations.

Put together a job portfolio for an AR developer interview.

Join Free:Meta AR Developer Professional Certificate

Professional Certificate - 7 course series

Augmented Reality is projected to be a 
$88 billion
 industry by 2026. This program was designed by experts at Meta and will help you master AR development skills by covering nuances of AR in marketing, web AR, and AR in games. You’ll get hands-on experience with popular tools including Unity, Spark AR, and Playcanvas, using JavaScript and C#.

This program is designed for computer science graduates, software developers, web developers, 3D artists, or game developers who want to advance their skill set for the in-demand field of AR Development.

You will learn tools and concepts like Spark AR Fundamentals, game creation in Spark AR, HTML5 WebGL, Javascript in PlayCanvas, AR with PlayCanvas, asset creation and integration in Unity, C# Basics in Unity, creation and deployment on an AR Game using Vuforia and more.

By the end of the program, you will be able to: 

Describe AR’s defining characteristics, affordances and capabilities

Create content in Meta Spark and push it to Instagram using Meta Spark Hub

Create a web AR application using PlayCanvas

Write and debug simple Unity scripts

Create a Unity AR game using C# in the AR Foundation and Vuforia

Applied Learning Project

This program includes more than 100 hours of learning filled with hands-on activities that will prepare you for jobs in AR development across sectors such as marketing, education, gaming and entertainment. 

Through a mix of videos, assessments, readings and hands-on projects, you’ll be introduced to the world of augmented reality development. You’ll apply your new skills to a number of projects including:

Create multiple animated AR effects using Meta Spark

Develop a web-based game in which you interact with a 3D heart—a great addition to your professional portfolio

Set up an AR environment in Unity using AR Foundation to create a modern, AR version of the classic Asteroids arcade game

Configure Unity editors, gain an understanding of the Vuforia Engine and build an AR bowling game that can be played on any plane surface

Meta iOS Developer Professional Certificate


What you'll learn

Gain the skills required for an entry-level career as an iOS developer.

Learn how to create applications for iOS systems and how to manage the lifecycle of a mobile app. 

Learn programming fundamentals, how to create a user interface (UI) and best practices for designing the UI.  

Create a portfolio with projects that show your ability to publish, deploy and maintain iOS apps as well as cross-platform apps using React Native.

Join Free: Meta iOS Developer Professional Certificate

Professional Certificate - 12 course series

Have you ever wanted to build outstanding mobile apps like Facebook and Instagram?

This Professional Certificate will teach you how to build applications for iOS devices and start a new career as an iOS Developer. By the end of this program, you’ll be able to create and run a mobile app powered by iOS operating systems.

In this program, you’ll learn:

Essential iOS programming concepts and the tools needed to develop applications 

Create user interfaces (UIs) for mobile apps using SwiftUI

Manage the lifecycle and data collections of mobile applications 

Work with web technologies and manage data on iOS applications 

Build an iOS app 

Create cross-platform applications using React Native

Prepare for technical interviews for iOS developer roles

Any third-party trademarks and other intellectual property (including logos and icons) referenced in the learning experience remain the property of their respective owners. Unless specifically identified as such, Coursera’s use of third-party intellectual property does not indicate any relationship, sponsorship, or endorsement between Coursera and the owners of these trademarks or other intellectual property.

Applied Learning Project

Engage in hands-on activities and learn how to implement concepts through applied learning structures. 

Create a protocol in Swift 

Build a UI for an application in Swift 

Develop a native iOS mobile application 

In the final course, you will also complete a Capstone project that will require you to utilize your new skillset by building an app. You can add this project to your portfolio and showcase your work during job interviews.  

Meta React Native Specialization


What you'll learn

Gain the skills required to create apps across different platforms and devices.

Learn programming fundamentals, how to create a user interface (UI) and best practices for designing the UI.  

Become an expert in React Native, React, JavaScript, GitHub repositories and version control.

Walk away with a project-based portfolio that demonstrates your skills to employers. 

Join Free:Meta React Native Specialization

Specialization - 8 course series

If you want to learn how to create apps for Android and iOS devices, this course is right for you. This program is taught by industry-recognized experts at Meta.  

Cross-platform mobile developers build and write code for apps that are hosted on mobile devices powered by multiple operating systems. They do everything from creating the app to debugging it after deployment. They design interactive and attractive user interfaces (UIs) to ensure the best possible end-user or customer experiences. 

This specialization can be a stepping stone for building a successful career as an iOS or Android developer.

In this program, you’ll learn: 

Essential cross-platform programming concepts and the tools needed to develop apps.

Work with web technologies such as HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

Manage data across multiple mobile operating systems including iOS and Android.

In-demand skills to develop, test and maintain cross-platform mobile apps using React and React Native.

GitHub repositories for version control and content management systems (CMS).

By the end, you’ll put your new skills to work by completing a real-world portfolio project. You’ll build a dynamic mobile app using a responsive design that you can showcase during a job interview. Plus, you’ll get support in your job search.

Please note that the launch date, program content, and course titles are subject to change.

Applied Learning Project

Throughout the program, you’ll engage in a number of practical lab-based exercises that offer opportunities to practice and implement what you are learning. You’ll complete hands-on projects that you can showcase during job interviews and on relevant social networks.

At the end of each course, you’ll complete an assignment to test your new skills. There are various assignments in which you’ll use a lab environment or a web application to perform tasks such as:

Use JavaScript and data from multiple sources to dynamically control a web app.

Manage a project using version control in Git and GitHub.

Build apps using React, routing, hooks, and data fetching. 

 At the end of the program, there will be a Capstone project where you will bring your new skillset together to create a mobile app.

Meta Android Developer Professional Certificate


What you'll learn

Gain the skills required for an entry-level career as an Android developer. 

Learn how to create applications for Android including how to build and manage the lifecycle of a mobile app using Android Studio.

Learn coding in Kotlin and the programming fundamentals for how to create the user interface (UI) and best practices for design.   

Create cross-platform mobile applications using React Native. Demonstrate your new skills by creating a job-ready portfolio you can show during interviews.

Join Free: Meta Android Developer Professional Certificate

Prepare for a career in Android Development

Receive professional-level training from Meta
Demonstrate your proficiency in portfolio-ready projects
Earn an employer-recognized certificate from Meta
Qualify for in-demand job titles: Android Developer, Mobile Applications Developer, Mobile Developer

Wednesday 20 December 2023

Programming in Python


What you'll learn

Foundational programming skills with basic Python Syntax.

How to use objects, classes and methods.

Join Free:Programming in Python

There are 5 modules in this course

In this course, you will be introduced to foundational programming skills with basic Python Syntax. You’ll learn how to use code to solve problems. You’ll dive deep into the Python ecosystem and learn popular modules, libraries and tools for Python. 

You’ll also get hands-on with objects, classes and methods in Python, and utilize variables, data types, control flow and loops, functions and data structures. You’ll learn how to recognize and handle errors and you’ll write unit tests for your Python code and practice test-driven development.

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

Prepare your computer system for Python programming
Show understanding of Python syntax and how to control the flow of code
Demonstrate knowledge of how to handle errors and exceptions
Explain object-oriented programming and the major concepts associated with it
Explain the importance of testing in Python, and when to apply particular methods

This is a beginner course for learners who would like to prepare themselves for a career in back-end development or database engineering. To succeed in this course, you do not need prior web development experience, only basic internet navigation skills and an eagerness to get started with coding.

Programming with JavaScript


What you'll learn

Creating simple JavaScript codes.

Creating and manipulating objects and arrays.

Writing unit tests using Jest 

Join Free:Programming with JavaScript

There are 5 modules in this course

JavaScript is the programming language that powers the modern web. In this course, you will learn the basic concepts of web development with JavaScript. You will work with functions, objects, arrays, variables, data types, the HTML DOM, and much more. You will learn how to use JavaScript and discover interactive possibilities with modern JavaScript technologies. Finally, you will learn about the practice of testing code and how to write a unit test using Jest.

Wednesday 13 December 2023

Meta Database Engineer Professional Certificate


What you'll learn

Demonstrate proficiency of SQL syntax and explain how it’s used to interact with a database.

Create databases from scratch and learn how to add, manage and optimize your database.

Write database driven applications in Python to connect clients to MySQL databases.

Develop a working knowledge of advanced data modeling concepts.

Join Free : Meta Database Engineer Professional Certificate

Professional Certificate - 9 course series

Want to get started in the world of database engineering? This program is taught by industry-recognized experts at Meta. You’ll learn the key skills required to create, manage and manipulate databases, as well as industry-standard programming languages and software such as SQL, Python, and Django used for supporting outstanding websites and apps like Facebook, Instagram and more.

In this program, you’ll learn:

Core techniques and methods to structure and manage databases. 

Advanced techniques to write database driven applications and advanced data modeling concepts. 

MySQL database management system (DBMS) and data creation, querying and manipulation.

How to code and use Python Syntax

How to prepare for technical interviews for database engineer roles.

Any third-party trademarks and other intellectual property (including logos and icons) referenced in the learning experience remain the property of their respective owners. Unless specifically identified as such, Coursera’s use of third-party intellectual property does not indicate any relationship, sponsorship, or endorsement between Coursera and the owners of these trademarks or other intellectual property.

Applied Learning Project

You’ll complete a series of 5 projects in which you will demonstrate your proficiency in different aspects of database engineering. 

You’ll demonstrate your skills with database normalization by structuring your own relational database by defining relationships between entities and developing relational schema. 

This is followed by a stored procedure project in which you’ll demonstrate your competency in SQL automation by writing a stored procedure to solve real world problems. After developing your skills in Python, you’ll create a Python application to administer a MySQL database and program its interactions with clients. 

In the next project, you are required to apply data modeling to a real-world project by enacting advanced data modeling concepts such as automation, storage and optimization. 

Finally, you’ll be tasked with creating a MySQL database solution for an app by drawing on the knowledge and skills that they have gained throughout the program.

Tuesday 21 November 2023

Meta Front-End Developer Professional Certificate


What you'll learn

Create a responsive website using HTML to structure content, CSS to handle visual style, and JavaScript to develop interactive experiences. 

Learn to use React in relation to Javascript libraries and frameworks.

Learn Bootstrap CSS Framework to create webpages and work with GitHub repositories and version control.

Prepare for a coding interview, learn best approaches to problem-solving, and build portfolio-ready projects you can share during job interviews.

Prepare for a career in Front-end Development

Receive professional-level training from Meta

Demonstrate your proficiency in portfolio-ready projects

Earn an employer-recognized certificate from Meta

Qualify for in-demand job titles: Front-End Developer, Website Developer, Software Engineer

Professional Certificate - 9 course series

Want to get started in the world of coding and build websites as a career? This certificate, designed by the software engineering experts at Meta—the creators of Facebook and Instagram, will prepare you for a career as a front-end developer.

In this program, you’ll learn: 

How to code and build interactive web pages using HTML5, CSS and JavaScript. 

In-demand design skills to create professional page layouts using industry-standard tools such as Bootstrap, React, and Figma. 

GitHub repositories for version control, content management system (CMS) and how to edit images using Figma. 

How to prepare for technical interviews for front-end developer roles.

By the end, you’ll put your new skills to work by completing a real-world project where you’ll create your own front-end web application. Any third-party trademarks and other intellectual property (including logos and icons) referenced in the learning experience remain the property of their respective owners. Unless specifically identified as such, Coursera’s use of third-party intellectual property does not indicate any relationship, sponsorship, or endorsement between Coursera and the owners of these trademarks or other intellectual property.

Applied Learning Project

Throughout the program, you’ll engage in hands-on activities that offer opportunities to practice and implement what you are learning. You’ll complete hands-on projects that you can showcase during job interviews and on relevant social networks.

At the end of each course, you’ll complete a project to test your new skills and ensure you understand the criteria before moving on to the next course. There are 9 projects in which you’ll use a lab environment or a web application to perform tasks such as:  

Edit your Bio page—using your skills in HTML5, CSS and UI frameworks

Manage a project in GitHub—using version control in Git, Git repositories and the Linux Terminal 

Build a static version of an application—you’ll apply your understanding of React, frameworks, routing, hooks, bundlers and data fetching. 

At the end of the program, there will be a Capstone project where you will bring your new skillset together to create the front-end web application.

Join - Meta Front-End Developer Professional Certificate

Meta Back-End Developer Professional Certificate


What you'll learn

Gain the technical skills required to become a qualified back-end developer

Learn to use programming systems including Python Syntax, Linux commands, Git, SQL, Version Control, Cloud Hosting, APIs, JSON, XML and more

Build a portfolio using your new skills and begin interview preparation including tips for what to expect when interviewing for engineering jobs

Learn in-demand programming skills and how to confidently use code to solve problems

Professional Certificate - 9 course series

Ready to gain new skills and the tools developers use to create websites and web applications? This certificate, designed by the software engineering experts at  Meta—the creators of Facebook and Instagram, will prepare you for an entry-level career as a back-end developer. 

In this program, you’ll learn:

Python Syntax—the most popular choice for machine learning, data science and artificial intelligence.

In-demand programming skills and how to confidently use code to solve problems. 

Linux commands and Git repositories to implement version control.

The world of data storage and databases using MySQL, and how to craft sophisticated SQL queries. 

Django web framework and how the front-end consumes data from the REST APIs. 

How to prepare for technical interviews for back-end developer roles.

Any third-party trademarks and other intellectual property (including logos and icons) referenced in the learning experience remain the property of their respective owners. Unless specifically identified as such, Coursera’s use of third-party intellectual property does not indicate any relationship, sponsorship, or endorsement between Coursera and the owners of these trademarks or other intellectual property.

Applied Learning Project

Throughout the program, you’ll engage in applied learning through hands-on activities to help level up your knowledge. At the end of each course, you’ll complete 10 micro-projects that will help prepare you for the next steps in your engineer career journey. 

In these projects, you’ll use a lab environment or a web application to perform tasks such as:   

Solve problems using Python code. 

Manage a project in GitHub using version control in Git, Git repositories and the Linux Terminal. 

Design and build a simple Django app. 

At the end of the program, there will be a Capstone project where you will bring all of your knowledge together to create a Django web app.

Join - Meta Back-End Developer Professional Certificate

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