Showing posts with label Python Coding Challenge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Python Coding Challenge. Show all posts

Sunday 19 May 2024

Python Coding challenge - Day 209 | What is the output of the following Python Code?



h = [5, 6, 7, 8]




Solution and Explanation: 

Let's break down the given Python code and explain what each line does:

h = [5, 6, 7, 8]

This line creates a list h with the elements 5, 6, 7, and 8.

h = [5, 6, 7, 8]

The pop() method removes and returns the last item from the list. Since no argument is provided, it removes the last element, which is 8.

Before h.pop():

h = [5, 6, 7, 8]
After h.pop():

h = [5, 6, 7]

The pop(0) method removes and returns the item at index 0 from the list. This means it removes the first element, which is 5.

Before h.pop(0):

h = [5, 6, 7]
After h.pop(0):

h = [6, 7]

This line prints the current state of the list h to the console.

The output will be:

[6, 7]
Initially, the list h is [5, 6, 7, 8].
The first h.pop() removes the last element, resulting in [5, 6, 7].
The second h.pop(0) removes the first element, resulting in [6, 7].
Finally, print(h) outputs [6, 7].
So the final state of the list h after these operations is [6, 7].

Common Python Errors and How to Fix Them


ZeroDivisionError: division by zero

This happens when you try to divide a number by zero. Always check the divisor before dividing.

# Correct way

result = 10 / 2

# Incorrect way

result = 10 / 0  # ZeroDivisionError 

IndentationError: unexpected indent

Python uses indentation to define code blocks. This error occurs when there’s a misalignment in the indentation.

# Correct way

if True:


# Incorrect way

if True:

  print("Hello")  # IndentationError 

ImportError: No module named 'module'

This error means Python can’t find the module you’re trying to import. Check if the module is installed and the name is correct.

# Install the module first
# pip install requests

import requests  # Correct way

import non_existent_module  # ImportError 

ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'text'

This occurs when you try to convert a string that doesn’t represent a number to an integer. Ensure the string is numeric.

# Correct way
number = int("123")

# Incorrect way
number = int("abc")  # ValueError 

AttributeError: 'object' has no attribute 'attribute'

This happens when you try to use an attribute or method that doesn’t exist for an object. Ensure you are calling the correct method or attribute.

class MyClass:
    def __init__(self):
        self.value = 10

obj = MyClass()

# Correct way

# Incorrect way
print(obj.price)  # AttributeError 

KeyError: 'key'

This error occurs when you try to access a dictionary key that doesn’t exist. Use .get() method or check if the key exists.

my_dict = {"name": "Alice"}

# Correct way
print(my_dict.get("age", "Not Found"))

# Incorrect way
print(my_dict["age"])  # KeyError 

IndexError: list index out of range

This occurs when you try to access an index that doesn't exist in a list. Always check the list length before accessing an index.

my_list = [1, 2, 3]

# Correct way
print(my_list[2])  # Prints 3

# Incorrect way
print(my_list[5])  # IndexError 

TypeError: unsupported operand type(s)

This happens when you perform an operation on incompatible types. Check the data types of your variables.

# Correct way
result = 5 + 3

# Incorrect way
result = 5 + "3"  # Can't add integer and string 

NameError: name 'variable' is not defined

This occurs when you try to use a variable or function before it's declared. Ensure that all variables and functions are defined before use.

# Correct way
name = "Alice"

# Incorrect way
name = "Alice" 

SyntaxError: invalid syntax

This usually means there's a typo or a mistake in the code structure. Check for missing colons, parentheses, or indentation errors. Example:

print("Hello World")
# Missing parenthesis can cause SyntaxError
print "Hello World" 

Friday 17 May 2024

Python Coding challenge - Day 208 | What is the output of the following Python Code?



g = [1, 2, 3]

h = [1, 2, 3]

print(g is h)  

print(g == h) 

Solution and Explanation:

In Python, the expressions g = [1, 2, 3] and h = [1, 2, 3] create two separate list objects that contain the same elements. When we use print(g is h) and print(g == h), we are comparing these two lists in different ways.

g is h
The is operator checks for object identity. It returns True if both operands refer to the exact same object in memory.

g = [1, 2, 3]
h = [1, 2, 3]
print(g is h)
In this case, g and h are two different objects that happen to have the same contents. Since they are distinct objects, g is h will return False.

g == h
The == operator checks for value equality. It returns True if the operands have the same value, which for lists means that they have the same elements in the same order.

g = [1, 2, 3]
h = [1, 2, 3]
print(g == h)
Here, g and h have the same elements in the same order, so g == h will return True.

g is h: Checks if g and h are the same object in memory (identity). Result: False.
g == h: Checks if g and h have the same contents (equality). Result: True.
Thus, the output will be:


Python Coding challenge - Day 207 | What is the output of the following Python Code?



str_a = "hello"

str_b = "hello"

print(str_a is str_b)

print(str_a == str_b)

Solution and Explanation:  

In Python, the statements str_a = "hello" and str_b = "hello" both create string objects that contain the same sequence of characters. Let's break down what happens when you use the is and == operators to compare these two strings.

is Operator
The is operator checks for object identity. It returns True if both operands refer to the same object in memory.

== Operator
The == operator checks for value equality. It returns True if the values of the operands are equal, regardless of whether they are the same object in memory.

Now, let's analyze the code:

str_a = "hello"
str_b = "hello"
print(str_a is str_b)  # This checks if str_a and str_b are the same object
print(str_a == str_b)  # This checks if the values of str_a and str_b are equal
str_a is str_b
In Python, small strings and some other immutable objects are sometimes interned for efficiency. String interning means that identical strings may refer to the same object in memory. Because "hello" is a short, commonly used string, Python often interns it. As a result, str_a and str_b will likely refer to the same interned string object. Therefore, str_a is str_b will typically return True because they are the same object in memory.

str_a == str_b
The == operator compares the values of str_a and str_b. Since both strings contain the same sequence of characters "hello", str_a == str_b will return True regardless of whether they are the same object in memory.

str_a is str_b checks if str_a and str_b refer to the exact same object. In this case, it will likely be True due to string interning.
str_a == str_b checks if str_a and str_b have the same value. This will be True because both strings contain "hello".
So, the output of the code will be:

This illustrates both object identity and value equality for these string variables in Python.

Thursday 16 May 2024

Python Coding challenge - Day 206 | What is the output of the following Python Code?



dict_a = {"a": 1, "b": 2}

dict_b = {"a": 1, "b": 2}

print(dict_a is dict_b)

print(dict_a == dict_b)

Solution and Explanation: 

This code creates two dictionaries, dict_a and dict_b, with identical key-value pairs. Then it prints the results of two different comparisons:

print(dict_a is dict_b): This checks whether dict_a and dict_b refer to the same object in memory. In this case, they are two separate dictionary objects, so the output will be False.

print(dict_a == dict_b): This checks whether the contents of dict_a and dict_b are the same. Since they have the same key-value pairs, the output will be True.

Tuesday 14 May 2024

Python Coding challenge - Day 205 | What is the output of the following Python Code?



num = [5, 6]

*midd, lst = num, num[-1]  

print(midd, lst)

Solution and Explanation: 

Let's break down the code step by step:

num = [5, 6]: This line creates a list called num containing two integers, 5 and 6.

*midd, lst = num, num[-1]: Here, we're using extended iterable unpacking. Let's dissect this line:

*midd: The * operator is used to gather any remaining items in the iterable (in this case, the list num) into a list. So, midd will contain all elements of num except the last one.

, lst: This part assigns the last item of the num list to the variable lst. In this case, it's assigning 6 to lst.

Therefore, after this line executes, midd will be [5] and lst will be 6.

print(midd, lst): This line prints the variables midd and lst. So, it will output [5] 6.

So, overall, the code snippet initializes a list num with two elements [5, 6], then it unpacks this list into two variables: midd, which contains all elements of num except the last one ([5]), and lst, which contains the last element of num (6). Finally, it prints the values of midd and lst.

Monday 13 May 2024

Python Coding challenge - Day 204 | What is the output of the following Python Code?



num = [7, 8, 9]

*mid, last = num[:-1]  

print(mid, last)

Solution and Explanation:

let's break down the code:

num = [7, 8, 9]
*mid, last = num[:-1]  
print(mid, last)
num = [7, 8, 9]: This line creates a list called num containing the elements 7, 8, and 9.

*mid, last = num[:-1]: This line is a bit more complex. It's using extended unpacking and slicing. Let's break it down:

num[:-1]: This slices the list num from the beginning to the second-to-last element. So, it creates a new list [7, 8].

*mid, last: Here, the *mid notation is used to capture multiple items from the sliced list except the last one, and last captures the last item. So, mid will contain [7, 8], and last will contain 9.

print(mid, last): This line prints the values of mid and last.

So, when you run this code, it will print:

[7, 8] 9
This demonstrates how you can use extended unpacking along with slicing to split a list into multiple variables in Python.

Sunday 12 May 2024

Python Coding challenge - Day 203 | What is the output of the following Python Code?



num = [1, 2, 3]

*middle, last = num

print(middle, last)

Solution and Explanation:

Let's break down the code step by step:

num = [1, 2, 3]: This line initializes a list called num with three elements: 1, 2, and 3.

*middle, last = num: This line uses a feature called "extended iterable unpacking". Here, *middle is used to capture all elements except the last one from the list num, and last captures the last element of the list.

*middle: This syntax with the * operator before a variable name is used to capture multiple elements from an iterable (like a list) into a new list. In this case, it captures the first two elements [1, 2] into the variable middle.

last: This variable captures the last element of the list, which is 3, and assigns it to the variable last.

print(middle, last): This line prints out the values of the variables middle and last.

Putting it all together, if we execute this code, it will print:

[1, 2] 3
This is because middle contains the first two elements [1, 2] from the list num, and last contains the last element 3 from the list num.

Saturday 11 May 2024

Python Coding challenge - Day 202 | What is the output of the following Python Code?



x = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
a, *_, b = x
print(a, b)

Solution and Explanation:

Let's break down the Python code step by step:

x = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
a, *_, b = x
print(a, b)
List Assignment: x = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

This line initializes a list named x with five elements: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].
Extended Unpacking: a, *_, b = x

This line uses extended unpacking to assign values from the list x to variables a and b, while ignoring the rest of the elements.
The * (asterisk) operator is used to capture multiple values into a list. In this case, * is followed by an underscore (_), which is a common convention in Python to indicate that the variable is a placeholder and its value is not used.
The first element of x is assigned to a, and the last element is assigned to b, while all other elements are captured by the _ variable (which is ignored).
Print Statement: print(a, b)

This line prints the values of variables a and b separated by a space.
So, what does this code output?

a will be assigned the value 1, which is the first element of the list x.
b will be assigned the value 5, which is the last element of the list x.
The other elements of the list x are captured by the _ variable, but since they are not used in the print statement, they are ignored.
Therefore, the output of the code will be:
1 5

Saturday 4 May 2024

Python Coding challenge - Day 201 | What is the output of the following Python Code?



class Powerizer(int):

    def __pow__(self, other):

        return super().__pow__(other ** 2)

p = Powerizer(2)

result = p ** 3


Solution and Explanation:

let's break down the code:

Class Definition:

class Powerizer(int):
    def __pow__(self, other):
        return super().__pow__(other ** 2)
Powerizer(int): This line defines a class named Powerizer that inherits from the int class. Instances of Powerizer will inherit all properties and methods of integers.
def __pow__(self, other): This method overrides the power behavior (__pow__) for instances of the Powerizer class. It's invoked when the ** operator is used with instances of Powerizer.
return super().__pow__(other ** 2): Inside the __pow__ method, it squares the other operand and then calls the __pow__ method of the superclass (which is int). It passes the squared other operand to the superclass method. Essentially, it calculates the power of the Powerizer instance with the squared value of other.
Object Instantiation:

p = Powerizer(2)
This line creates an instance of the Powerizer class with the value 2.
Power Operation:

result = p ** 3
This line performs a power operation using the ** operator. Since p is an instance of Powerizer, the overridden __pow__ method is invoked. The value 3 is passed as other. Inside the overridden __pow__ method, 3 is squared to 9. Then, the superclass method (int.__pow__) is called with the squared other value. Essentially, it calculates p raised to the power of 9.

This line prints the value of result, which is the result of the power operation performed in the previous step.
So, the output of this code will be 512, which is the result of 2 raised to the power of 9 (2^9).

Python Coding challenge - Day 200 | What is the output of the following Python Code?



class Decrementer(int):

    def __sub__(self, other):

        return super().__sub__(other - 1)

d = Decrementer(5)

result = d - 3


Solution and Explanation:

Class Definition:

class Decrementer(int):

    def __sub__(self, other):

        return super().__sub__(other - 1)

Decrementer(int): This line creates a class called Decrementer which inherits from the int class. Instances of Decrementer will inherit all the properties and methods of integers.

def __sub__(self, other): This method overrides the subtraction behavior (__sub__) for instances of the Decrementer class. It is called when the - operator is used with instances of Decrementer.

return super().__sub__(other - 1): Inside the __sub__ method, it subtracts 1 from the other operand and then calls the __sub__ method of the superclass (which is int). It passes the modified other operand to the superclass method. Essentially, it performs subtraction of the Decrementer instance with the modified value of other.

Object Instantiation:

d = Decrementer(5)

This line creates an instance of the Decrementer class with the value 5.

Subtraction Operation:

result = d - 3

This line performs a subtraction operation using the - operator. Since d is an instance of Decrementer, the overridden __sub__ method is invoked. The value 3 is passed as other. Inside the overridden __sub__ method, 1 is subtracted from other, making it 2. Then, the superclass method (int.__sub__) is called with the modified other value. Essentially, it subtracts 2 from d, resulting in the final value.


This line prints the value of result, which is the result of the subtraction operation performed in the previous step.

So, the output of this code will be 3, which is the result of subtracting 3 - 1 from 5.

Python Coding challenge - Day 199 | What is the output of the following Python Code?



class Incrementer(int):

    def __add__(self, other):

        return super().__add__(other + 1)

i = Incrementer(5)

result = i + 3


Solution and Explanation:

 let's break it down step by step:

Class Definition:
class Incrementer(int):
    def __add__(self, other):
        return super().__add__(other + 1)
Incrementer(int): This line defines a class named Incrementer that inherits from the int class. This means that instances of Incrementer will behave like integers but with additional functionality.
def __add__(self, other): This method overrides the addition behavior (__add__) of instances of the Incrementer class. Whenever the + operator is used with instances of Incrementer, this method is invoked.
return super().__add__(other + 1): Inside the __add__ method, it adds 1 to the other operand and then calls the __add__ method of the superclass (which is int in this case) using super(). It passes the modified other operand to the superclass method. Essentially, it performs addition of the Incrementer instance with the modified value of other.
Object Instantiation:

i = Incrementer(5)
This line creates an instance of the Incrementer class with the value 5. Since Incrementer inherits from int, it behaves like an integer but with the overridden __add__ method.
Addition Operation:

result = i + 3
This line performs an addition operation using the + operator. Since i is an instance of Incrementer, the overridden __add__ method is invoked. The value 3 is passed as other. Inside the overridden __add__ method, 1 is added to other, making it 4. Then, the superclass method (int.__add__) is called with the modified other value. In essence, it adds i to 4, resulting in the final value.
Print Result:

This line prints the value of result, which is the result of the addition operation performed in the previous step.
So, the output of this code will be 9, which is the result of adding 5 (the value of i) to 3 + 1.

Python Coding challenge - Day 198 | What is the output of the following Python Code?



class Quadrupler(int):
    def __mul__(self, other):
        return super().__mul__(other + 4)
q = Quadrupler(5)
result = q * 3

Solution and Explanation:

let's delve into this code:

class Quadrupler(int):: This line establishes a new class named Quadrupler that inherits from the int class. As a result, Quadrupler inherits all the attributes and methods of the int class.
def __mul__(self, other):: This creates a special method __mul__() which overrides the multiplication behavior of instances of the Quadrupler class. This method is invoked when the * operator is utilized with instances of the Quadrupler class.
return super().__mul__(other + 4): Within the __mul__() method, it adds 4 to the other operand and then invokes the __mul__() method of the superclass (in this case, the int class) using super(). It transfers the adjusted other operand to the superclass method. Essentially, it performs multiplication of the Quadrupler instance with the modified value of other.
q = Quadrupler(5): This line instantiates an object of the Quadrupler class with the value 5. Since the Quadrupler class inherits from int, it can be initialized with an integer value.
result = q * 3: This line utilizes the * operator with the Quadrupler instance q and the integer 3. Since the Quadrupler class has overridden the __mul__() method, the overridden behavior is invoked. In this case, it adds 4 to the other operand (which is 3) and then performs multiplication.
print(result): Lastly, this line prints the value of result.
Now, let's follow the multiplication:

other is 3.
4 is added to other, making it 7.
The __mul__() method of the int class (the superclass) is invoked with 7 as the argument.
The superclass's __mul__() method multiplies the Quadrupler instance (q) by 7.
The outcome of this multiplication is assigned to result.
Finally, result is printed.
Hence, when you execute this code, it should output 35, which is the result of multiplying 5 by (3 + 4).

Python Coding challenge - Day 197 | What is the output of the following Python Code?



class Tripler(int):
    def __mul__(self, other):
        return super().__mul__(other - 2)
t = Tripler(6)
result = t * 4

Solution and Explanation:

let's break down the code step by step:

class Tripler(int):: This line defines a new class named Tripler that inherits from the int class. This means that Tripler inherits all the properties and methods of the int class.
def __mul__(self, other):: This defines a special method __mul__() which overrides the multiplication behavior of instances of the Tripler class. This method is called when the * operator is used with instances of the Tripler class.
return super().__mul__(other - 2): Inside the __mul__() method, it subtracts 2 from the other operand and then calls the __mul__() method of the superclass (in this case, the int class) using super(). It passes the modified other operand to the superclass method. Essentially, it performs multiplication of the Tripler instance with the modified value of other.
t = Tripler(6): This line creates an instance of the Tripler class with the value 6. The Tripler class inherits from int, so it can be initialized with an integer value.
result = t * 4: This line uses the * operator with the Tripler instance t and the integer 4. Since the Tripler class has overridden the __mul__() method, the overridden behavior is invoked. In this case, it subtracts 2 from the other operand (which is 4) and then performs multiplication.
print(result): Finally, this line prints the value of result.
Now, let's follow through the multiplication:

other is 4.
2 is subtracted from other, making it 2.
The __mul__() method of the int class (the superclass) is called with 2 as the argument.
The superclass's __mul__() method multiplies the Tripler instance (t) by 2.
The result of this multiplication is assigned to result.
Finally, result is printed.
So, when you run this code, it should output 12, which is the result of multiplying 6 by (4 - 2).

Python Coding challenge - Day 196 | What is the output of the following Python Code?


class Doubler(int):

    def __mul__(self, other):

        return super().__mul__(other + 3)  

d = Doubler(3)

result = d * 5


Solution and Explanation:

This code defines a class named Doubler which inherits from the int class. Here's a detailed breakdown of the code:

class Doubler(int):: This line defines a new class named Doubler that inherits from the int class. This means that Doubler inherits all the properties and methods of the int class.
def __mul__(self, other):: This defines a special method __mul__() which overrides the multiplication behavior of instances of the Doubler class. This method is called when the * operator is used with instances of the Doubler class.
return super().__mul__(other + 3): Inside the __mul__() method, it first adds 3 to the other operand and then calls the __mul__() method of the superclass (in this case, the int class) using super(). It passes the modified other operand to the superclass method. Essentially, it performs multiplication of the Doubler instance with the modified value of other.
d = Doubler(3): This line creates an instance of the Doubler class with the value 3. The Doubler class inherits from int, so it can be initialized with an integer value.
result = d * 5: This line uses the * operator with the Doubler instance d and the integer 5. Since the Doubler class has overridden the __mul__() method, the overridden behavior is invoked. In this case, it adds 3 to the other operand (which is 5) and then performs multiplication.
print(result): Finally, this line prints the value of result.
Now, let's follow through the multiplication:

other is 5.
3 is added to other, making it 8.
The __mul__() method of the int class (the superclass) is called with 8 as the argument.
The superclass's __mul__() method multiplies the Doubler instance (d) by 8.
The result of this multiplication is assigned to result.
Finally, result is printed.
So, when you run this code, it should output 24, which is the result of multiplying 3 by (5 + 3).

Python Coding challenge - Day 195 | What is the output of the following Python Code?



s = 'clcoding'

Solution and Explanation:

Let's break down the code s = 'clcoding' and print(s[5:5]) step by step:

s = 'clcoding': This line of code assigns the string 'clcoding' to the variable s.
s[5:5]: This is called string slicing. Let's break it down:
s[5:5]: This specifies a substring of s starting from the 5th character (counting from 0) and ending at the 5th character. The start index is inclusive, while the end index is exclusive.In 'clcoding', the character at index 5 is 'i'.
Since the start and end indices are the same, this indicates an empty substring. In Python, when the start index is greater than or equal to the end index, an empty string is returned.
So, print(s[5:5]) would output an empty string, i.e., ''''

Python Coding challenge - Day 194 | What is the output of the following Python Code?



s = 'clcoding'

Solution and Explanation:

Let's break down the code s = 'clcoding' and print(s[-6:-1:2]) step by step:

s = 'clcoding': This line of code assigns the string 'clcoding' to the variable s.
s[-6:-1:2]: This is called string slicing. Let's break it down:
s[-6:-1]: This specifies a substring of s starting from the 6th character from the end (counting from the right) and ending at the 1st character from the end. Negative indices in Python count from the end of the string.So, in 'clcoding', the characters at these positions are:
-6: 'c'
-5: 'l'
-4: 'c'
-3: 'o'
-2: 'd'
The substring extracted by s[-6:-1] is 'clcod'.
s[-6:-1:2]: This specifies that we want to take every second character from the substring 'clcod'.So, starting from the first character 'c', we take every second character:
'c': 0th position
'c': 2nd position
'd': 4th position
Thus, the final result printed would be 'ccd'.
So, print(s[-6:-1:2]) would output 'ccd'.

Friday 3 May 2024

Python Coding challenge - Day 193 | What is the output of the following Python Code?



class Doubler(int):

  def __mul__(self, other):

    return super().__mul__(other * 2)  

# Create an instance of Doubler

d = Doubler(3)

# Multiply by another number

result = d * 5


Solution and Explanation:

Let's go through the code step by step:

We define a class Doubler that inherits from the built-in int class.

class Doubler(int):
We override the __mul__ method within the Doubler class. This method gets called when we use the * operator with instances of the Doubler class.

def __mul__(self, other):
Inside the __mul__ method, we double the value of other and then call the __mul__ method of the superclass (int) with this doubled value.

return super().__mul__(other * 2)
We create an instance of the Doubler class with the value 3.

d = Doubler(3)
We multiply this instance (d) by 5.

result = d * 5
When we perform this multiplication, the __mul__ method of the Doubler class is called. Inside this method:
other is the value 5.
We double the value of other (5) to get 10.
Then we call the __mul__ method of the superclass (int) with this doubled value, 10.
Thus, we're effectively performing 3 * 10, resulting in 30.
Finally, we print the result, which is 30.
So, the output of the code is 30.

Thursday 2 May 2024

Python Coding challenge - Day 192 | What is the output of the following Python Code?



class MyClass:

    def __init__(self, x):

        self.x = x

    def __call__(self, y):

        return self.x * y

p1 = MyClass(2)


Solution and Explanation:

This code defines a class MyClass with an __init__ method and a __call__ method.

The __init__ method initializes an instance of the class with a parameter x, setting self.x to the value of x.
The __call__ method allows instances of the class to be called as if they were functions. It takes a parameter y and returns the product of self.x and y.
Then, an instance p1 of MyClass is created with x set to 2. When p1 is called with the argument 3 (p1(3)), it effectively calculates 2 * 3 and returns the result, which is 6.

So, when you run print(p1(3)), it prints 6.

Wednesday 1 May 2024

Python Coding challenge - Day 191 | What is the output of the following Python Code?



class MyClass:

    def __init__(self, x):

        self.x = x

p1 = MyClass(1)

p2 = MyClass(2)

p1.x = p2.x

del p2.x


Solution with Explanation:

let's break down the code step by step:

class MyClass:: This line defines a new class named MyClass. Classes are used to create new objects that bundle data (attributes) and functions (methods) together.
def __init__(self, x):: This is a special method called the constructor or initializer method. It's automatically called when a new instance of the class is created. In this case, it takes two parameters: self (which refers to the instance being created) and x (a value that initializes the x attribute of the instance).
self.x = x: Within the constructor, self.x refers to an attribute of the instance, and x is the value passed to the constructor. This line assigns the value of x passed to the constructor to the x attribute of the instance.
p1 = MyClass(1): This line creates a new instance of the MyClass class and assigns it to the variable p1. The value 1 is passed to the constructor, so p1.x will be set to 1.
p2 = MyClass(2): Similarly, this line creates another instance of the MyClass class and assigns it to the variable p2. The value 2 is passed to the constructor, so p2.x will be set to 2.
p1.x = p2.x: This line sets the value of the x attribute of p1 to be the same as the value of the x attribute of p2. After this line, both p1.x and p2.x will be 2, because p2.x is 2.
del p2.x: This line deletes the x attribute from the p2 instance. After this line, p2.x will raise an AttributeError because x no longer exists as an attribute of p2.
print(p1.x): Finally, this line prints the value of p1.x. Since p1.x was set to p2.x, which was 2 before it got deleted, the output will be 2.
So, the output of this code will be:


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